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Welcome to Gung Fu for Christ


Martial arts in the church?

Sure … the “church” is not a building, its a group of people.  God’s glory is reflected in the new hearts of His people, not on bricks and sticks.

The goal for every follower of Jesus is to live a life of integrity holiness, patience and respect.  We teach martial arts because the character traits we learn in those classes help make us better followers of Jesus.

Our classes provide proven and effective self-offense training for the whole family.  We teach the very same principles that Bruce Lee taught to his students, Sijo James DeMile And Jesse Glover.

Sifu Steve has trained for over ten years in conjunction with DeMile, Glover, and Sibok Cary Hiatt to pass on the teachings of Bruce Lee.  What makes Sifu Steve unique is that he combines the teachings of Jesus with skills taught in this form of martial arts.  People don’t learn how to be bullies-they learn how to treat people the way they would want to be treated.

Class Times:

Day Class(All Ages)
Tue. & Thu. 1:00-2:30 P.M.

Lil’ Ninja’s (4 – 7 years old) & Special Needs Class
Mon. & Wed. 5:00-5:30 P.M.

Juniors (7 – 13 years old)
Mon. & Wed. 5:30-6:30 P.M.

Junior Adults&Adults (13& Up)
Mon. & Wed. 6:30-8:00 P. M.

For more information contact Steve Gonzales at 206-9(GUNG FU) (that’s 206-948-6438).  Adults are invited to come work out with us, but if you come, be dressed in sweats and atheletic shoes so you can participate.